Saturday, September 23, 2023

 more from the biden gang in their efforts to align with the schwabbies in removing oil and gas from public consumption, as he's also stopped drilling leases and other energy pursuits other than 'green' solutions;

The Biden administration has lost another green energy agenda battle after a federal judge blocked the president’s effort to restrict oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Late Thursday evening, U.S. District Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction after the administration’s last-minute attempt to halt an upcoming offshore oil and gas lease sale in the Gulf, Fox News Digital reported.

Cain granted the request “from plaintiffs — the State of Louisiana, industry association American Petroleum Institute (API) and oil companies Chevron and Shell — to block the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) restrictions on Lease Sale 261. The lease sale spanning millions of acres across the Gulf of Mexico is slated for next week,” the outlet added.

Cain determined that the federal government must conduct the lease sale by September 30 under its initial terms. Following a settlement reached in July with environmental organizations, BOEM excluded approximately six million acres from the sale and enforced several limitations on oil and gas vessels linked to the auctioned leases. The agency said the measures were implemented to safeguard the Rice’s whale species inhabiting certain areas of the Gulf of Mexico...........more..........

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