Thursday, September 21, 2023

 we'd be well served to see a lot more of this;


Last Friday, hundreds of students from the Perkiomen Valley High School in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, walked out of classes to protest a district policy that allows transgender students, regardless of their biological sex, to use the restroom that they feel more closely aligns with their own gender identity.

Policy 720 would have required students to use the restroom that aligned with their biological sex. The policy failed to pass in a 5-4 vote of the school board on September 11.

Some students felt that the protest was necessary after the Perkiomen Valley School Board refused to pass a common-sense policy that would have required students to use the restroom that aligned with their biological sex. Students and parents of the school are worried that the school could see the same type of trouble that occurred in Loudoun County, Virginia, where a biological male student who “identified” as female sexually assaulted two female students.

“What if a person with the wrong intention decides they want to use the bathroom for the wrong intention?” asked 17-year-old senior Brandon Corner, who participated in the walk-out.

In “protecting” the rights of transgender students, many believed that the rights of other students were sacrificed. “The LGBTQ rights should not infringe on our privacy rights,” Corner added.

Corner’s mother, Melanie, echoed this sentiment.........more.......

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