Tuesday, October 30, 2018

the author of this is a libertarian blogger with a long record of accuracy in details and clear presentation of his thoughts on those details;


In my article “Don’t Be Surprised If Saudis Get Away with Murder,” I detailed the U.S. national-security state’s kidnapping and assassination of Gen. Rene Schneider in 1970. The point I made is that the power to assassinate comes with any nation whose government is founded on the concept of a national-security state. That includes the United States, where the military and the CIA wield the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to assassinate people who they deem to be threats to “national security.”
Given that the U.S. national-security state got away with murder in the case of Gen. Schneider, what are the odds that there will be a different outcome in Saudi Arabia? Sure, there might be some underlings who have to fall on their swords as a sacrifice to the greater good, but the chance that higher-ups in the Saudi regime will be held accountable for the murder is virtually nil.
Another example of this immunity-and-impunity phenomenon on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment was the killing of two Americans three years after Schneider’s assassination. The two Americans were Charles Horman and Frank Terguggi, two young American men who were executed during the Chilean coup in 1973.
In the 1970 Chilean presidential election, a socialist physician named Salvador Allende received a plurality of votes. Owing to his belief in socialism and communism and his reaching out to the Russians and Cubans in peace and friendship, U.S. officials deemed Allende to be a threat to U.S. “national security” and, therefore, had to be removed from power.
Since none of the three Chilean presidential candidates had received a majority of the votes, the election was thrown into the Chilean congress, pursuant to the Chilean constitution.


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