Tuesday, September 1, 2020

the videorebel presents some ideas about the coming 'election' that may interest you, especially the kamala possibilities;

David Rothkopf was the CEO of Kissinger Associates. He wrote Superclass in which he said the world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. Imagine their thoughts of disgust at 2020. Biden stopped that crazy man Bernie Sanders but Biden is clearly not up to the task. Joe can no longer read from a teleprompter for even just a minute without his mind wandering. His campaign days are over. So what’s next for Mr Globalist?
Let me emphasize that the decisions to be made will be made by the 30 Families and not by you and me until the Dollar Dies and we survive long enough to take over whatever remains of their government.
I want to present moves and counter moves by the Democrats and by Trump supporters available for the next 60 days. The Democrats at this point represent the Deep State, Big Pharma, the Banks, Antifa, BLM and professional politicians. I almost named Republicans as their opponents but the Trump campaign is still being sabotaged by the more corrupt Deep State war mongering elements of his party.
Make No Mistake whoever wins in November will be a Zionist. The Jewish Lobby has again guaranteed that your only choice is between which of their two hard core Zionists you prefer.
Joe Biden is sinking fast in the polls. For the first time in American history the candidate receiving his party’s nomination went down in the polls while his nominating convention was still on the air. Maybe the Viewers did not like the riots on their local TV news and what they saw at the DNC convention.......read more.........

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