Saturday, September 26, 2020

 pcr presents herein more information about the assault on press freedom made clear in the julian assange extradition show trial;

British Ambassador Craig Murray Exposes the Corrupt and Censored Assange Extradition Hearing

Paul Craig Roberts

Ambassador Murray is upfront: “I strongly expect the final decision was made in this case even before opening arguments were received.”

Although the hearing is being conducted in a British court, the US government has controlled the hearing and has determined what evidence could be presented:

“The plan of the US Government throughout has been to limit the information available to the public and limit the effective access to a wider public of what information is available. Thus we have seen the extreme restrictions on both physical and video access. A complicit mainstream media has ensured that those of us who know what is happening are very few in the wider population.”

Even Ambassador Murray’s reports on the hearing are censored by social media:

“Even my blog has never been so systematically subject to shadowbanning from Twitter and Facebook as now. Normally about 50% of my blog readers arrive from Twitter and 40% from Facebook. During the trial it has been 3% from Twitter and 9% from Facebook. That is a fall from 90% to 12%. In the February hearings Facebook and Twitter were between them sending me over 200,000 readers a day. Now they are between them sending me 3,000 readers a day. To be plain that is very much less than my normal daily traffic from them just in ordinary times. It is the insidious nature of this censorship that is especially sinister – people believe they have successfully shared my articles on Twitter and Facebook, while those corporations hide from them that in fact it went into nobody’s timeline. My own family have not been getting their notifications of my posts on either platform” ( ).

Ambassador Murray believes that the misconduct of the judge and prosecution, serving as Washington’s agents, has destroyed the legal principles on which British justice more.......

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