Sunday, June 9, 2024

 mob rule is actual democracy; a crowd expressing their concerns in your face. the sort we have, a republic, isn't supposed to operate that way so we have a situation like these days in which one group has the ability to 'make things happen' in the dark found behind your back;

There is mob rule — and then there is glorified mob rule. The former is obvious, such as when an uncontrolled group of men summarily hangs a person without trial or due process. Glorified mob rule is subtler, possessing a thin veneer of propriety and legality, such as a “democratic” determination or action contrary to the rule of law.

An example of portraying mob rule as something nobler would be how Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the 2011 left-wing-protester invasion of the Wisconsin Capitol — which became the longest demonstrator occupation of a government building in U.S. history — an “impressive show of democracy in action.” Pelosi isn’t alone in her party in this thinking, either, says one writer; rather, “mobocracy” is now the Democrats’ default mode.

After discussing subjects such as what he calls Democrats’ “death fears,” commentator James Lewis addresses the dangerous mob phenomenon, writing at American Thinker:

Mob activity is so ancient that it was described by Plato and Shakespeare, centuries ago. Socrates was ordered to kill himself at the orders of a maddened Athenian assembly. … Jesus was also executed to satisfy a mob. Plato wrote that “mobocracy” was the worst kind of government, and he saw mobs in the streets of Athens many times in his life.

The U.S. Constitution was written to restrain that mob tendency in humans, and the Democrats used to understand that. …

It is obvious that Joe Biden and his cohort are deliberately whipping up anger and resentment between “identity groups,” which is how you split up a healthy society and make it weak and self-destructive.

Because China saw raging mobs during the Mao era, it is possible that this is being manipulated by Chinese front groups. But Iran and Russia have also seen out-of-control mobs burning, killing, and looting in the last century. Vladimir Lenin openly encouraged mob lynching of Ukrainian peasants, a trauma that shapes the war in Ukraine today. Radical jihadists routinely engage in mob politics, which is why so many Muslim societies have been frozen in the past.

The U.S. Constitution emerged in the time of the French Revolution, which saw mobs running wild in the streets of Paris............more.......

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