Thursday, June 27, 2024

 mr peters speaks about the war we have and the one we want, here in the empire;

The news says that America just cluster-bombed Russian beachgoers in Crimea. Well, it didn’t say exactly that. But – nonetheless – that is exactly what just happened.

The Keeeeeeeeeeeeevians may have pushed the proverbial button that sent the missiles on their way but it was America – more finely, the regime that rules Americans – that provided the missiles and (apparently) the support needed to guide them to their target.

It is nothing less than astounding that Russia has not attacked back. Yet. But – of a certainty – it’s coming. Because that is what happens when a country is attacked. It hits back – in self-defense – at the country that attacked it.

That country is not Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev. Just as – for those who still remember such things – it would not have been Cuba that attacked the United States back in 1962, the last time the world came this close to nuclear war. The missiles in Cuba were Russian – and JFK publicly stated that any missile fired from Cuba would be regarded as an attack by Russia (then the Soviet Union) upon the United States and that the United States would respond accordingly...........more........

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