Saturday, June 29, 2024

 mr peters makes some good points and asks uncomfortable questions here, concerning the biden;

Picture a couple of piranhas in a fishbowl, cheek to cheek. Each eyeing the other for signs of weakness that, when seen, leads quickly to the one piranha consuming the other. Last night, we watched Joe Biden being eyed – by the Left.

Which is about to consume him.

There is now very little doubt that the obviously senile old grifter is done-for. He is chum. Whatever the Orange Man’s deficits – and they are many – he is not (as yet) a dead man walking. Biden became just that – almost literally – as he shuffled onto the stage last night; his vacant-angry facial expressions could have been crafted by a mortician. He looked, at any rate, like a man who will soon require the services of one.

The pretense that this near-corpse will be the nominee of the Left – there is no longer a “Democratic” Party – is another delusion of our times, along with “safe and effective.” But few believe that anymore, either.

Now the eyes of the piranhas focus on the soon-to-be-chum. It may not even be another week before he is bones scattered on the bottom of the fishbowl, the flesh picked clean.

It is that bad – and they know it is..........more.........

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