Friday, June 28, 2024

 more difficulties are on the way for those of us who oppose the borg according to this former border cop;

 Former 24-year Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) veteran J.J. Carrell got the chance to interview Christie Hutcherson of Women Fighting for America about a sinister plot by the globalists to build large-scale prison structures and compounds in all 50 states, purportedly to house illegal aliens but probably actually to imprison Americans in concentration camps.

Hutcherson has an extensive background in federal contracting having worked at forward operating bases (FOBs) in military war zones. Her company built soft-sided structures, water facilities and other necessities for soldiers as part of a multi-billion dollar operating agreement with Washington, D.C.

Because she has access to the federal database of contract bids for all of the government projects going on at any given time, Hutcherson can see specifically and exactly what is going on behind the scenes at any given time.

"There are bids for detention facilities being built in all 50 states in America," Hutcherson explained to Carrell in the interview, which was also covered by Redacted – watch below:

"I go in the database, J.J, and there are detention facility bids to build individual detention facilities in every state in the union. Who do you think they're built for? Are they built for all the illegal aliens or unaccompanied alien children? Of course not."

(Related: Back in early 2022, we warned you that some politicians have been pushing for concentration camps to be built in the United States – well, it looks like that time has arrived.)...........more..............

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