Sunday, June 9, 2024

 senator kennedy, always a hoot as well as smart and well informed has some questions for the fbi about epstein;

From the outset, let me say in advance that I do not believe the current Director of the FBI has any clue what happens inside the modern FBI silo.  It’s not that Chris Wray is not contributing to the corruption, his willful blindness guarantees that he is; the bigger issue is more about what the purpose and intent of the organization is….  THAT IS WHERE you will find my attention piqued.

I do not believe the popular assumption that the FBI as an institution is part of a domestic law enforcement operation. Those days are over. I genuinely believe, like most modern criminal enterprises, specifically including drug cartel operations (not coincidentally), what we see about the FBI is the false front.  {GO DEEP} I suspect behind the facade and deep inside the FBI silo operation, is something else entirely.

The action of the FBI in several “sex case” instances, leads me to believe there is a strong operational element within their silo that directly links to Jeffrey Epstein.  Many of you may be aware that prior to the Epstein case getting massive publicity, he was in a long-time collaborative relationship with the FBI.   The FBI has admitted in court documents that Epstein was a source, and the relationship appears to have gone much deeper than just source level.  Techno Fog has deep dives on this aspect specifically {SEE HERE}.

Based on the conduct of the FBI, as an institution, I am increasingly convinced the DOJ/FBI (likely CIA, DoD and DoS) used Jeffrey Epstein as part of their intelligence gathering operation.  In essence, Epstein carried out the indecent activity that ensnared FBI targets; this is the collaboration.

Whether the IC target was determined prior to the operation, then instructions given to Epstein; or whether Epstein’s pre-existing files, recordings, and potential blackmail exploits were used as part of the IC target mission later on, after a target appeared on the IC radar, is unknown.  But using Epstein as part of what they would call National Security Operations would contextualize the term “collaboration,” and simultaneously explain every weird element which has never seemed possible to reconcile...........more.......

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