Friday, June 28, 2024

 from michael yon;

We performed our duties through the knowledge and courage to WARN and stand against the Ukraine Massacre from before Day 1.

Despite heavy criticism— as with the Vexx — and as with the Zionist genocide in Gaza that may end “Israel” — WE WARNED.

WE WARNED NOT TO VEXX — we are powerless to Unvexx. Those who took the jab against warnings are literally shot by weapons of war.

WE WARNED to avert war in Ukraine — we cannot resurrect the dead.

WE WARNED of open borders — now are invaded. Mass deportations. Unless we go full militant, mass deportations are a Farce. Like un-burning our homes.

Those camps being built around America are extermination camps. China and others have invaded United States. It’s done. WE WARNED.

WE WARN of the Zionist genocide — now “Israel” may actually be destroyed. Time reveals.

Many ask me constantly, “Well what’s your plan?” My plan was to WARN not to burn our homes down.

Who has a plan to recreate from ashes? Globalist Oligarchs.

Famines and real disease and real war are coming.


PURGE CLOWNS and DOG KINGS: Biden, Trump, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Trudeau — many more.

ALL are Dog King Clowns..........

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