Wednesday, June 26, 2024

ann vandersteel lists a few things that display the change we're deep into; 

Alex Jones is being liquidated. Julian Assange has been released from prison after accepting a guilty plea. Americans have been debt slaves for over 100 years and lied to by their government corporate masters. The middle east is about to go up in flames. The main stream media is purposefully ignoring or lying about stories to the public. The skies have been sprayed and our air, food and water poisoned. The US Dollar hegemony is over, inflation escalating. The fall of the republic of the united States of America is in progress. Russia has called Washington DC their enemy. Free speech is over. The SCOTUS ignores the constitution except in administrative applications. We do not have a republic, we have public private partnerships. WE The People were named the government and we failed to do our job. STAND UP AMERICA - the world is watching...God is waiting.............

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