Sunday, June 9, 2024

martin armstrong tells you how biden will be gone by august replaced by the hildabeest. wanna bet;

 The nut-job liberal base that wanted to flood the country with future Democrats is angered. Yet, Biden justifiably won’t get credit for his brand-new get-tough approach that comes way too late to mollify fed-up Americans when the country has been flooded with unskilled people he has given FREE healthcare to and logging at the expense of taxpayers who he wants to raise taxes on all the time.

Mr. Biden is using the same kind of tools that President Trump used to secure the border that the Democrats called him a racist over. On the first day of office, Biden opened the border to anyone from Asia, Africa, and South America. His policies have angered Mexico and other countries where people have been migrating to get their free handouts with Biden T-shirts. Five million illegal immigrants have poured into the country without background checks. Some countries emptied their prisons and sent them to Biden’s Land.........more.......

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