Sunday, June 9, 2024

 fred has an opinion. he always does and displays it quite well. this time its about the legal circus surrounding the orange man;

Everybody and his dog is writing about the Trump conviction, so I guess I’ll add my few grains to the sand pile. Otherwise I’d kill something, preferably a New York judge. Or several of them.

On the observable principle that each succeeding President is worse than his predecessor,  Biden has, barely, taken the title for godawful worthlessness and foreign-policy bafflement. But the question is not whether Trump has the morals of a politician, or whether he and some porn queen made the beast with two backs. How many readers would have done the same, given a shot at stormy?  The point is that the uniparty, the bicephalous brigandage that is the real government, has turned the entire political apparatus of Washington against Trump, while ignoring the behavior of its own miscreants.

The media make constant reference to the “insurrection” supposedly martialed by  Trump against the Capitol. What “insurrection” for God’s sake?

During the Floyd riots, mobs surrounded the White House and threatened to assault it, resisting police who ordered them to disperse. In Portland they took over land in the city and declared it independent of the government, attacked police with Molotov cocktails and bricks, both being deadly weapons. In Minneapolis they burned a police station.  this was insurrection on a massive scale. Martial law should have been declared, with the announcement , “Looters will be shot.”

Who was prosecuted for insurrection? Why not? Because  Floyd was black. The looters were black.  The white rioters were heavily middle class and Democrats. They were against Trump.......more......

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