Saturday, June 15, 2024

 better late than never. the people are beginning to notice and work for change in the corruption we see all over the empire. if you say we ain't an empire, including europe and the five eyes, consider the army of occupation we have all over europe, such as ramstein air base in germany;

Unbuttoning his carefully ironed white shirt, Jordan Bardella took a sip of water at a sweltering political rally during his European election campaign and apologised for the pause by saying: “I’m already getting hot.”

“You’re the one making us hot,” screamed a girl from the young crowd.

The French call it “Bardella-mania”.

Wherever the handsome 28-year-old star of France’s hard-Right National Rally (RN) goes, he is mobbed, above all, by the young.

Such adulation morphed into electoral triumph on Sunday when 31.4 per cent of the French voted for Marine Le Pen’s impeccably dressed, carefully groomed and well-spoken protégé, offering his party a projected 30 seats in the European Parliament.

That is more than twice the seats won by Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party, which scored a paltry 14.6 per cent (13 seats), and finished only just ahead of the Socialists, on 13.8 per cent.

But it was not just Mr Bardella who was drawing swarms of young voters. Germany’s hard-Right Alternative for Germany (AfD) also surged in the polls, propelled in part by voters under the age of 30.

One poll published on Sunday showed that 32 per cent of 18-34 year-olds voted for the RN in France, more than double the total of the 2019 European elections. In Germany, the AfD saw an 11 per cent jump in its vote share among 16-to-24 year-olds, claiming a total of 16 per cent. It saw big jumps in 25-44 year-olds, too.

In the last European election, young people in Europe overwhelmingly voted for green parties in what was heralded as a “green wave.”

However, interest has waned among a generation that grew up during the Covid pandemic and frets about war in Europe, an uncertain job market and a lack of affordable housing.

Many young voters say mainstream parties are not tuned in to their concerns – at worst hardly speaking their language..........more.....

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