Tuesday, June 18, 2024

larry johnson presents more evidence of the insanity of the empire, and putin's warnings; 

If there was ever any question that the United States is headed off the edge of a towering cliff, which means plummeting to a grisly death, John Kirby removed all doubts today with this boneheaded, reckless comment:

US President Joe Biden believes NATO is in Ukraine’s future, but there’s “a lot of things that have to be done” before it can join, Kirby said. When a journalist asked him to elaborate on the “vague conditions” and “unclear pathway” Kiev had been given, the official claimed that Washington’s position was “absolutely clear.”

“First they’ve got to win this war,” Kirby said.

“They gotta win the war first. So, number one: We’re doing everything we can to make sure they can do that. Then when the war’s over no matter what it looks like they’re still going to have a long border with Russia and a legitimate security threat,” he said. Washington will assist in building up Ukraine’s military industrial base, although “corruption is still a major concern,” Kirby added.

Put yourself in the shoes of Vladimir Putin or his General Staff. Do you dismiss Kirby’s statement as the ravings of a lunatic or do you accept it at face value — i.e., the United States is committed to fund and supply a war against Russia to ensure her defeat? If I was sitting with the Stavka in Moscow, I would be inclined to believe that Kirby is expressing the true intent and authentic policy of President Biden. They you add in the flights of B-52s and other nuclear-bomb capable aircraft flying up to the borders of Russia and NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg’s remarks today:........more......

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