Sunday, June 16, 2024

 larry johnson has an opinion with which i agree or it wouldn't appear here as that would be supporting the opposition which i could never imagine doing. an exception would be a satire of course;

Sometimes there are facts staring you in the face and you fail, initially to see them. That happened to me. The lightbulb suddenly illuminated for me when I compared the terrorist attacks reported by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the number of Palestinians illegally incarcerated.

In a civilized country, one that adheres to a rule of law, you get arrested if you committed a crime or are suspected of committing a crime. In a genuine rules-based society, the “suspicion” is based on evidence, not mere belief. So, consider the following numbers.

In 2023, the Israeli Ministry recorded a total of 11 terrorist attacks (not counting October 7) — 1 in Gaza and 11 in the West Bank. None of these were mass casualty attacks. Instead, they were one-on-one attacks, such as a stabbing or ramming a car.

So, how many Palestinians were grabbed by the Israeli Occupation Force in 2023?

There were about 5,200 Palestinians in Israeli prisons prior to October 7 when the Palestinian armed resistance group Hamas launched an attack on Israel, which responded almost immediately with a relentless bombing campaign.

There is no justification or excuse for this kind of mass detention. The vast majority of these men, women and children have not been charged with a specific crime. If Israel was reacting to the “terrorist” attacks in 2023, one would expect arresting the perpetrators of those attacks, which means 11 people. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and assume there was a planning cell and support network behind each attack, maybe an additional 5 people. That would mean Israel could have justifiably claimed arresting a total of 66 people for the attacks or aiding and abetting. But more than 5,000?

This vast discrepancy further underscores that Israel is not engaged in a lawful anti-crime effort. They are engaged in an illegal, punitive attack on Palestinians. It is racist and has no other purpose than to try to intimidate. The numbers tell the story. It is not Hamas that is the most active terrorist organization in Palestine and Israel, it is the Government of Israel.........

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