it seems that most any well spoken individual can provide bits and pieces we like in the face of more we don't. eight billion opinions or is it seven by now courtesy of the motherwefers and their deagle report goal. the ideas we're told that the orange man proposes are much different than the alzheimers patient is odd. the only thing i saw him do different from what the blog would expect is to keep us from starting a new war, and keeping the border tight. all else could have been done by any of the cloned cia fronts we've had since november sixty three. in the end we're all blind people holding different parts of the elephant and describing its nature based on that part;
The thing that separates me and almost all, if not all, of you reading this, from liberals is the determination of a reasonable solution before engaging in an assault against a problem. It is the “therefore, what?” requirement of former Denver radio host Mike Rosen. Yes, the economy is bad, therefore what? What is the solution? The purpose of the liberals is not to solve the problem at all, but to hinder and denigrate those seeking a solution they don’t like. They’re there to complicate the issue and make rational, logical solutions almost impossible to find. But they are a dwindling percentage of the population, a population who have been vexed by liberal policies that go nowhere for several decades now. Yes, even during Republican administrations. The liberals gained most of their objectives under Nixon, Reagan, Bush HW and Bush GW, even under Trump, but they had to fight a lot harder to do it. The only real stop to their continued assault on the American way of life is a second Trump administration as Alexander Dugin explains and highlighted by Streamfortyseven’s Substack that I recommend. Though Streamfortyseven’s view of Russian military capability differ from mine and his assessment of the war in Ukraine as a stalemate is also different from my view, I linked to his post, because I could be wrong. I am not the arbiter and possessor of all truth and he provides a good alternate perspective that I appreciate.
The issue, as Dugin points out, is that there are only two visions of the future here at play, the globalist elite and the America First visions and one is either voting for more of the same globalist-centric vision or a multipolar political world. To that end, Trump and Biden are irrelevant, it is the vision that is being voted for or against that is the true crux of the 2024 election. The reason that this has never happened before (aside from 2016) is that the Republican presidential candidates have, until Trump, fallen into the globalist elite faction as well as their Democrat opponents...........more.......
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