Saturday, June 1, 2024

 this is a great outcome we've been hoping for;

The time has come for member states of the United Nations (UN) to vote on the World Health Organization's (WHO) amended International Health Regulations (IHR). And the good news is that the so-called Pandemic Treaty, at least the version the world was presented with, is dead in the water.

The only real issue of major concern, according to Dr. Meryl Nass, are the surveillance provisions concerning "misinformation" and "disinformation," which the government and social media companies are already doing.

The International Negotiating Body just announced that it was unable to reach any kind of agreement on the Pandemic Treaty, which means the world no longer has to worry about it – at least in its currently proposed form.

The New York Times ran an article about the negotiation failure in which it was revealed that there are problems with getting everyone on board with the WHO's plans for the "equitable" distribution of "vaccines," as well as "financing to set up surveillance systems."

The WHO was planning to present a final version Pandemic Treaty, also known as the Pandemic Accord, at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77). The WHO also wanted to present its amendments to the IHR, though both efforts failed.

"Negotiators had hoped to adopt the treaty this week ... but cancelled meetings and fractious debates – sometimes over a single word – stalled agreement on key sections, including equitable access to vaccines," the Times reported.

Concerning the IHR amendments specifically, the Times only mentioned them once in the piece:.........more..........

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