Thursday, June 20, 2024

 giraldi is former cia with lots of years of watching and being involved so his experience lends credence to his words;

Judge Napolitano: How is it that American Middle East foreign policy has been managed by American Jews? This seems to happen no matter who the president is, or which party controls Congress.

Philip Giraldi: This is particularly evident ever since 9/11. As I recall, we had a group of American Jews who were largely in control of the Pentagon (Wolfowitz, etc.) who did everything they could to start a war with Iraq and the reason was not because Iraq had WMD, as Scott Ritter would confirm, but rather because Saddam Hussein was supporting the Palestinians. And when the Israelis were arresting Palestinians, Saddam Hussein would support the families of those people who were arrested. They were very angry about this.

Watch the interview

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