Thursday, June 20, 2024

false flags are a hallmark of the empire's tactics with 911 being a prime example. remember as you read that i haven't had a president since november sixty three and anticipate none in the foreseeable future;

In a fair and just election, it is most likely Trump supporters and patriotic Americans vote, in landslide fashion, to put Trump back in office, and dismantle this evil tyranny that besieges us all right now. Trump would most likely win by about 40 million votes, and the Democrats would have to surrender to the will of democracy. How ironic.

Get ready for not only a Trump landslide win in November, but a complete "changing of the guards" as the Democrats gets demolished in the Congressional voting also, handing control of the House and Senate to the Republicans. This could end the proxy wars in Ukraine and Gaza, stop World War III from happening, end the insane "electric everything" green scam, end the climate change hoax, stop the next plandemic from happening, restore the U.S. economy, and fix the broken Constitution back to the solid foundation it once had.

To stop that from happening, it's getting very late in the game. Very late. Do they have time to begin a new pandemic, where most of the Democrat voters, including dead ones and illegal aliens, all "mail in" their (CCP-crafted-and-pre-Dark-Brandon-endorsed) ballots? That's the trillion dollar question, but there are more.

Will there need to be a massive GRID-DOWN scenario, where some massive power infrastructure is destroyed by "Russian missiles" or even better, the Russians explode an EMP bomb in space, wrecking our satellites we use for all phones, computers, internet, cash machines, and wait for it… voting machines.

The election would get "delayed" a couple weeks, most likely the same period that was said to be in effect for the initial Covid scamdemic lockdowns. Then, after that, another incident comes, or many more, and everything gets worse, so the election is further "postponed" – which actually means it will NEVER happen, knowing Biden can't debate, campaign or win anything close to 80 million votes (again)...........more.......

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