Saturday, June 15, 2024

 things are frequently hard to prove but this article shows some that now days are accepted as reality;

As bad as things are, there is one good thing that has arguably come of it all. It is that probably half the country – and if we’re lucky, it’s more than that – no longer assumes the government is benevolent.

This is a very different thing than the previous assumption that the government is merely incompetent.

Incompetence is an annoyance. It is something that bugs competent people when they’re forced to deal with it – or pay for it. But it is qualitatively different from malevolence.

Dr. Fauci is an example of malevolence rather than incompetence. He is not a stupid man. He is an evil man. He knew what he advocated is untrue, vicious. Yet he pushed forward with a deliberate sadism that the mere incompetent is incapable of. It is the difference between a well-intended kid who meant to surprise his dad by changing the oil in his car who accidentally cross-threads the oil-drain bolt keeping the oil in the engine – and the guy who puts sugar in the gas tank.

It’s the motive, in other words, that matters.

Government workers were once generally assumed to be motivated by a desire to help, even if that “help” was unwanted and resulted in more (and worse) problems than the ones supposedly being addressed. They mean well, many of us thought.

We thought wrong...........more......

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