Saturday, June 1, 2024

 war, the way of the empire is continually upon us and now we're in another variety but no less dangerous;

You will drive yourself crazy trying to make sense of these cases because most people are unable to understand what’s actually going on. This has zero to do with law, justice, racial equality or disparity, motives or defenses. This is war. The war being waged is upon the Founder’s stock, Heritage Americans, if you will. One side knows what it is doing and rather than using standing, uniformed armies has developed a series of tactics that allows a campaign based on stealth.

Rather than a theater of operations where combatants meet on the filed of battle, like Bastogne or Tarawa, the entirety of America is constantly under assault by proxy armies made up of individuals, gangs, mobs, etc. They are given free reign by those who control our governments and the associated institutions that make up the body politic.

The stealth campaign to take over things like the FBI, the Justice Department, Universities, the media, etc. began a hundred years ago and was done deliberately and with intent to dispossess the majority so that a small ethnic minority intent on making America- and by extension the whole of the West- theirs.......more......

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