Thursday, June 13, 2024

the europen elections were almost a tsunami; 

European voters revolted against their political leaders in last week’s continent-wide parliamentary votes.  The result was a bombshell:  right-wing parties made huge gains, shaking the existing order to its foundations and sending warning signals to voters in the US, Britain, and Canada.

France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, called a surprise election in the hope of undoing the lurch to the right.  Right-wing parties in Austria, Belgium, Holland, and Germany scored smashing victories over conventional middle-of-the-road parties or the left.  Italy has moved firmly to the right under its attractive moderate prime minister Giorgia Meloni, whose political roots lead back to Mussolini and Italian fascism. Poland and Eastern Europe remain a question mark. Switzerland is moving right as its voters consider a ban on new immigrants. Hungary has become a bastion of what it calls ‘white Europe.’

What caused this political earthquake?

The answer is simple:  immigration. 

Much of the world wants to move to prosperous, easy-going Europe.  The EU has become a world leader in human and animal rights and stands out for its honest legal system and general decency.  The raw corruption and criminality so common in the US are not so often seen in Northern Europe.  Besides, Western Europe is the paradise next door for many third worlders.

Many Europeans are outraged by the growing numbers of Africans and Asians crossing their porous borders.  I’ve been watching this immigration tsunami for decades.  Germany, still guilt-stricken over its wartime crimes and short on population, has opened its gates to mass immigration.   But how can decent human beings slam the door in the face of suffering millions?........more........

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