Monday, June 3, 2024

 'our new guests' have been coming here mostly via transport or other arrangements 'our' government with the connivance of the zionists are paying for;

I start by saying it outright: America is on the precipice of war! And I’m talking not only about war abroad; I’m talking about war within the United States. And these wars are being deliberately orchestrated by President Joe Biden in the United States and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel.

Strong language? Yes. But the facts prove the language is not hyperbolic.

On February 8, I wrote a column entitled U.S. Government Gives Millions To Jewish Group To Escort Illegals Into America.

In that column, I quoted Peggy Hall saying:

Here are the dark and dirty details of how the US is financially footing the bill for the immigrant invasion.

There is a Jewish organization called HIAS, which stands for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

HIAS gets hundreds of millions of dollars in US funding through the Office of Refugees Resettlement (ORR). ORR was created by Brandon Biden as part of the Department of Health and Human Services in the federal government. (Note: just a reminder for how bloated and excessive the federal government is. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that allows for these unfettered agencies that are created on the whim of the president.)

Check out the ORR website here, and note near the bottom of the list of agencies that are getting matching grants from YOUR money.

You’ll see that HIAS is listed as one of those agencies.

HIAS spends YOUR tax dollars on getting 500,000 ILLEGALS all the way from South America and Central America into the USA.

You might think that the poor immigrants should get the red carpet welcome wagon treatment. After all, think of the deplorable conditions they are escaping, not to mention the risks these asylum seekers face while trying to escape to a better life.


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