Tuesday, June 11, 2024

looks like castro's boy has learned lawfare from the orange man's opponents; 

Ever since the U.S. election of 2016, and to a lesser extent the Brexit referendum months earlier, I have read a dozen or so government publications about the general subject of interference in the election process.  What I find common amid each of those government reviews, is a general leftist theme that democracy must be protected from election outcomes.

I know that last sentence sounds a little goofy, but that’s because leftism is exactly that weird and fraught with hypocrisy.

Keep in mind, right now in Europe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has banned any political opposition and cancelled elections in his country in order to “preserve democracy.”  Meanwhile, the western politicians clap like seals and beclown themselves in support of the ridiculous assertion.

Do you remember the statement, “words progressives do not support are defined as violence; and violence progressives do support are defined as protests.”

Well, in the electoral version of that same theme, election outcomes leftists do not support are defined as threats to democracy; while manipulated election outcomes the leftists do support are defined as trustworthy........more......

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