Monday, June 10, 2024

 idaho just shut down farming, a surprising motherwefer move in a libertarian, at least, state;

’ll have to say that I’m a bit surprised by this move in Idaho. Maybe the so-called “Greater Idaho” movement isn’t so great after all. What’s the deal with this greasy scumbag who did this?

I suspect that it has to do with rewilding, or trying to drive farmers out of business for the purpose of purchasing their land, only to give it to the large corporations (so that would mean a payoff). Or possibly Soros money is behind this.

In any case, there is something foul going on, and the folks in Idaho had better drive the Cretin who did this out of office, as well as the governor who is letting all of this happen.

Corruption is everywhere – even in Idaho. And suffice it to say, this is war conducted by control over water.

See Using Water as a Weapon of War..........more.....

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