Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 larry johnson, danny davis, ukraine and israel get explored for an attempt at further understandings;

I had the privilege of being interviewed by Danny Davis today. Retired US Army Lt. Colonel, who has created another channel well worth your time (and it is not because I am on it). He showed a couple of videos I had not seen — one with NSC spokesman John Kirby and the other with the head of the Biden’s NSC, Jake Sullivan. They contradicted each other as they tried to define, “What is the U.S. policy vis-a-vis Ukraine?” Kirby says it is victory over Russia, while Sullivan insists the end goal is a negotiated settlement. That right there defines the ineptitude of the Biden team. A competent White House will ensure everyone is singing from the same sheet of music. Not these guys. One is doing pop tunes while the other is belting out Blue Grass.

I touch on a friendly disagreement Scott Ritter and I had in the summer of 2022 about the introduction of HIMARS systems into Ukraine. Scott described it as a game changer, I argued that it was not. Forget the HIMARS, the real game changer in the war in Ukraine is the expanded use of drones, especially the FPVs. This is radically changing how military planners, at least in Russia and Ukraine, are thinking about combat operations. And further technological developments are likely to make drones an even more important weapon system. Isn’t it curious that the United States has not supplied Ukraine with any meaningful supply of drones?.........more......

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