Saturday, June 8, 2024

caitlin makes clear that we are indeed ruled by madmen; 

When opposing a genocide means you’re a Nazi. 

When opposing nuclear brinkmanship means you love Vladimir Putin.

When opposing the looming global conflict with China means you’re a sinister propagandist for “the CCP”.

When opposing the latest imperial escalations against the latest Official Bad Guy always means you’re an appeaser of the Bad Guy and would have opposed fighting Hitler.

When your skepticism toward government and media institutions who have an extensive record of lying and propagandizing means you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist.

When wanting to live in a society where everyone has enough means you’re an evil authoritarian with a despised ideology.

When believing it’s possible to have systems where humans aren’t killing the biosphere and waging insane wars while brandishing armageddon weapons at each other means you’re a silly little child who doesn’t understand how the real world works.

When these things are happening in your society, it means your society has gone stark raving insane. It means you are surrounded by lunatics, and ruled by madmen. ...........more.......

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