Thursday, June 20, 2024

 this arkansas crime joins with waco and ruby ridge as obvious cases of 'official' murder and ignoring the laws these atf criminals have evaded paying the price for. 'our' legal system is no longer the neutral one we thought we had, but rarely did have;

Pulaski County Prosecutor Will Jones said in a letter to ATF that no charges in the shooting would be filed after reviewing the Arkansas State Police investigation of the shooting of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport Executive Director Bryan Malinowski.

In his letter, Jones said the agents had properly identified themselves with police running lights and sirens outdoors before they entered and announced their presence at the front door. He wrote the ATF agents had shields and wore shirts that had ATF Police printed on the right side and bulletproof vests with ATF Police printed on the front. Jones wrote that during the raid one of the agents saw another agent fall to the ground, heard a gunshot and saw Malinowski holding a gun.

I’m sure this comes after Will Jones sold his soul to Satan.

The ATF agents hid the door cam with tape, cut power so that no lights were available, and never had to conduct the raid to begin with. If they had wanted to talk about their unconstitutional laws, they could have worn suits, knocked on the door in broad daylight, and spoken with the man.

This was a hit job, pure and simple. Nothing you say could convince me otherwise. The ATF agent who shot Mr. Malinowski is a murderer, and his co-criminals were guilty of aiding and abetting the crime. He will answer to God, but he should also answer in time and space for his crime and sin.......more......

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