Sunday, June 2, 2024

a very plausible possibility here on the nyc 'trial';

“That 12 jurors agreed so quickly that Donald Trump
was guilty on all 34 counts is as suspicious as it is

— An Armchair Legal Analyst

And I say this from having watched a high-profile jury trial of a family member who was ultimately found guilty under an extremely corrupt judge and transparently fixed jury.

The venue of that trial was very similar to the exceedingly tainted jury pool that the Greater New York City area was for the deeply unpopular Trump.

Whenever a jury is seated from within a highly jaded venue, it’s very easy to fix and/or buy those jurors.  In the New York State jurisdiction that I witnessed the obviously rigged jury, it quickly became clear how many ways there really are to carry out jury tampering.

As a matter of historical fact, our family case even saw the father of the defendant write an open letter — a personal copy of which was sent to many key political, judicial and legal figures throughout both the city and county — addressing the extraordinarily brazen jury tampering that took place.  The well respected pillar of the community would never have taken that unusually audacious initiative without having very strong circumstantial evidence of jury manipulation, which was quite compelling........more.......

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