Tuesday, December 7, 2021

 the video rebel has posted again with forecasts and predictions for the next few years;

The Woke Crowd at the World Economic Forum in Davos tell us that in 2030 we will own nothing.

How will they accomplish their goal of taking all of our possessions away from us?

They will let our current inflation rate of just under 15% (according to Shadow Stats) grow to 25% which will launch Hyperinflation making food unaffordable. If you remember the rule of 72, 25% annual food price increases would double your food budget every 3 years or so.  People who had investments, homes, cars, jewelry and personal possessions will sell them to buy food.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that food inflation is up 23.7% over last year. China has stopped exporting fertilizers which will be bad news for commercial farmers who rely on chemical inputs and for consumers who eat GMO food and have carcinogenic glyphosates with every meal.

Commercial feed lot operators rely on grains and corn to feed their animals. Rising feed prices have forced ranchers to thin out their herds which has dampened the price increase for beef temporarily to a mere 20%. Next year when the supply of meat has been reduced, beef prices will soar along with other food prices.

In January of 2022 several large food processing companies have promised to increase their prices 20%.

Also in January of 2022 US Social Security recipients will get a 5.9% raise. However, their Medicare part B charge will increase 14.5% from $148.50 a month to $170.10.........read more........

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