how the medical system works especially in situations like our current one;
A growing number of healthcare professionals are speaking up about the damage wrought by Dr. Fauci’s remdesivir, ventilator and vaccine mandate across U.S. hospital systems. More healthcare professionals are starting to speak up about covid vaccine injuries and the rise of severe disease in the “fully vaccinated.” But if the mandated protocols and experimental vaccines were really dangerous, then why wouldn’t everyone in the medical field speak out and demand change?
Doctors and nurses are oftentimes hesitant to speak out because they work in a culture of intimidation and abuse. Many doctors and nurses have been threatened for almost two years now to comply with pandemic protocols that prioritize terror and pandemonium over faith and humanity. Many have faced persecution for their beliefs. Their careers are constantly threatened if they do not give their body over to this experiment. Because of this perpetual intimidation, many healthcare professionals put their heads down and do their jobs, refusing to confront humanitarian issues and widespread medical malpractice. Many just want to provide for their family instead of making waves with the status quo. They fear being socially ostracized because they have seen other critical thinkers be fired, smeared and censored.
Authoritarian group-think holds them captive
On July 29, 2021, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) warned all healthcare professionals that they could lose their medical license if they create or spread so-called “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation.” This misinformation includes anything that could “sow distrust” in the vaccines. U.S. physicians are literally being told to ignore any observations in their respectable field, as if they are not intelligent enough to gather data and make their own conclusions. As authoritarian group-think permeates the medical system, healthcare professionals are being told to betray critical thinking and the scientific process and bow down to a religious and watch more.........
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