Friday, November 20, 2020

 voting changes nothing of consequence here in the empire and this essay shows some of why i say that;

“Is ours a government of the people, by the people, for the people, or a kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?”

~ Thomas Love Peacock

The first part of the above quote is meant for those misguided and duped citizens that ever once believed that government was of, by, or for the benefit of the people at large. This was propaganda from the beginning, as no such state of being has ever occurred. As to the last half of this statement, it is exactly correct, in that the few controlling evil bastards and their pawns in government, have figured out that fools are more easily controlled, so all that was necessary in order to gain total control over society was to turn once intelligent individuals into a herd of collective fools. That has been fully accomplished, so now the two classes consist of only the rulers and the fools. One only has to go out for a few moments and look at the mass hordes of idiotic mask-wearers to understand this truth.

Considering elections, George Bernard Shaw, although an evil man, told the truth when he said in Caesar and Cleopatra (1901) act 3, “When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.” The government of course, has always promoted voting as a sacred right and a civic duty, but it is neither. There is nothing noble about voting, as voting is simply a way to claim you had a say by choosing a master to lord over and control you. In other words, one is expected to revel in an activity that solidifies his own enslavement, but is at the same time supposed to make him free? This kind of misplaced and ludicrous ‘logic’ belies all manner of intelligence. Could anything be more contradictory or asinine than such a notion as this? The same ‘duty’ argument could apply to any government action. When the ruling class desires a war, they simply tell the voting public that those in other lands should be killed because it is a patriotic duty to do so. So all those that do the actual killing can excuse their murderous behavior by claiming duty and honor. Duty to country (government) is always a sign of ignorance and excuses for tyranny, while duty to self, which requires personal responsibility, compels intelligent thought, caring, reasoning, and more......

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