Wednesday, November 18, 2020

be careful driving when you haven't washed your car because if your license plate is dirty you can be pulled over, tazed, handcuffed and arrested;

New Braunfels, TX — When police aren’t kidnapping, caging, and killing people for possessing substances deemed illegal by the state, in turn creating a criminal black market for them which drives up crime, they are out enforcing traffic laws. Any number of arbitrary traffic infractions can and will lead to your extortion, arrest, imprisonment, or in the case of Philando Castile, death. Policing for profit in the United States is the norm.

Over the years we’ve reported on stories of people being assaulted, arrested and even killed over stops for victimless crimes like dark window tint, no seat belt, and burned out license plate lights. However, in a decade of police accountability, we’ve never seen someone stopped and nearly killed for a dirty license plate — until now.

Officer Kaleb Meyer with the New Braunfels Police Department is a tyrant. When he pulled over Clarence Crawford earlier this year, his body camera captured his tyranny in action.

For having an “unclean license plate” Meyer held Crawford at gunpoint, dragged him out of his car, forced him down to the ground, tasered him in his back, handcuffed him, and then kidnapped the man. Crawford had committed no crime and harmed no one.

As the video begins, the crazed cop charges at Crawford in his vehicle, gun drawn, and begins yelling at Crawford. Crawford, knowing he had committed no crime, pulls out his phone and films, politely asking why he is being held at gunpoint.

Meyer refuses to tell the innocent man why he is about to murder him in broad daylight. When Crawford is ordered out of the vehicle, he is so terrified he just puts both hands out, continuing to film in the and watch more......

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