Wednesday, July 22, 2020

this ain't what respectful policing is supposed to look like, and its what leads to mobs in the streets demanding change;

Mesa, AZ — A SWAT team from the Mesa police department is facing backlash this week after video surfaced showing officers opening fire on an unarmed father with his hands up who was surrounded by his five children.
The father, Lorenzo Jones had just handed his youngest child off to the child’s mother before police opened fire.
To be perfectly clear, Jones is accused of beating a woman and a child and if guilty, deserves to be punished. Police were at the residence that day because on July 6, according to court documents, Jones allegedly punched his fiancee’s sister in her face at least three times, causing her to fall. Her children then attempted to stop him from hitting their mother, and Jones reportedly punched and shoved them before leaving the apartment.
If he actually committed the above crimes, he needs to be locked up. However, because the SWAT team opened fire on him with less lethals in front of his children, endangering their lives, he will likely win a taxpayer-funded settlement instead of simply doing his time.
According to police, Jones missed his court date for the above incident, so a warrant was issued for his arrest. The video below is of the SWAT team serving said warrant.
When Mesa SWAT went to serve the warrant on July 16, Jones, a woman and five children came out. A neighbor filmed the interaction and the subsequent child endangerment that ensued.
As the video shows, Jones tries to tell the officers that he did show up to the court date and couldn’t have a warrant for failing to appear. He then complies with everything the SWAT teams says including putting his hands up. Despite 100 percent compliance, police opened fire on him anyway.
As Jones writhed in pain on the ground, the cops kept firing bean bag and watch more..........

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