Saturday, March 9, 2019

another comment  sent by the same individual who provided the previous post and this about the latest 'anti-semitic' crap;

"With all due respect, Lisa, are you saying that 'some are more equal than others' ? Are you saying that, of course, people are free to criticize each other, but some are to be held more equal, and therefore, people should be restrained from and even penalized for criticizing the more equal person/s because of their more equal or favored status ? Should some people, because of their favored ethnicity or race, be granted special rights, protections; therefore, they are above criticism ? We need to examine or re-examine that term 'anti-semitic' or 'anti-semitism' or 'racist' or 'racism' and all the other cultural Marxist restraints that have greatly undermined the First Amendment. I am certainly not the only one to notice this gross Orwellian double standard that exists as to the First Amendment. Remember Voltaire and his warning re: the real rulers of a country."

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