Sunday, March 31, 2019

here is your daily serving of the 'thin blue line';

Killeen, TX — The cops in Killeen, Texas are garnering some much needed scrutiny this week after a report from a local news outlet found that they have been aggressively targeting drivers in a speed trap. Just last week, Killeen cops wrote at total of 95 traffic tickets in just an hour and a half. That is over one ticket a minute.
Police claim they were reacting to a complaint from a citizen about a speeder going through a school zone. Speeding through a school zone is a terrible and dangerous idea and those who recklessly endanger the lives of kids should certainly be held accountable.
However, these cops took revenue collection to new heights this month by setting up in Pershing Park Elementary School zone and stopping dozens of motorists, issuing all of them citations. According to police, 76 of those citations were for speeding.
“Our goal is to ensure the safety of our citizens and students as they walk and bike to and from school,” KPD wrote in a press release..........

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