Wednesday, March 20, 2019

i'm always entertained by those who decide there must be some favored choices to be made, indicating that there's a nirvana somewhere we must find and inhabit. here the writer shows you some of the reality behind: you take sally and i'll take sue, cause there ain't no difference tween the two. big brother is coming closer and won't be stopped by mere words;

This week and next, we’re tackling some of the biggest threats our country faces today.
From the omnipresent “surveillance state” to the threat of political correctness in America, it seems we’re going backwards in most areas of personal freedom… And it’s only a matter of time before we go over the edge.
Drastic times call for drastic measures, as the saying goes. And so this week, we’re not holding back.
In fact, we’re going full-on “Totally Incorrect.”
In today’s essay from Doug, we ask the question: Is America currently a police state? Doug Casey believes so… and that it’s only going to get worse.
And while no one can predict exactly when it will happen, Doug says “the real catalyst is going to be the next 9/11-type event.” Read on to see why…
Is a police state in the U.S. possible? Absolutely.
That’s because people are essentially the same the world over, regardless of their culture, religion, race, or what-have-you. A certain percentage of them are sociopaths.
There is a standard distribution of sociopaths across time and space. It’s a function of Pareto’s Law, better known as the 80-20 rule. 20% of the people do 80% of the work. Another 20% are responsible for 80% of the crime. 20% of the population always winds up with 80% of the wealth. And so forth, through all areas of human endeavor. This observation can be represented by a bell-shaped curve – a “standard distribution” – with a small minority at each extreme, but the large majority in the middle. The people who will take us to a police state are sociopaths – criminal personalities who don’t respect the liberty or property of others. And sociopaths gravitate towards government, and eventually come to control it.
My view is that 80% of human beings are basically decent, get along, go along types. 20% are what you might call potential trouble sources, that can go either way. But then you take 20% of that 20% and you’re dealing with the sociopaths........

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