Thursday, January 17, 2019

when guns are outlawed only criminals will have them, and here might be some measure of proof;

Davis, CA — Last Thursday, a tragedy unfolded in California as a deranged gunman, Kevin Douglas Limbaugh, walked up on an innocent woman, officer Natalie Corona, pulled out his guns and began shooting her repeatedly until she died. Limbaugh then fired several more shots at others before turning the gun on himself and taking his own life.
Police say that Limbaugh’s rampage left Corona, 22, dead, and left bullet holes in a nearby house, a passing fire truck, a text book inside a backpack worn by a young woman and the boot heel of a firefighter fleeing the gunfire.  
According to police, Limbaugh’s attack began just before 7:00 p.m. last Thursday as Corona, a rookie officer, investigated a minor three car collision near downtown Davis.
Police reported that Limbaugh rolled up on a bicycle, parked in the shadows and then approached Corona as she was handing a driver’s license back to one of the individuals involved in the accident.
Limbaugh fired over the shoulders of one of the motorists, striking Corona in the neck. He then walked over to her and continued firing into her. Limbaugh then went on a shooting rampage in the neighborhood before retreating into his home where he shoved a couch up to the door and killed himself. No other people were killed.
When police entered the apartment, they found a note on Limbaugh’s pillow blaming police for “hitting me with ultra sonic waves meant to keep dogs from barking.”
“I did my best to appease them, but they have continued for years and I can’t live this way anymore,” the note added.
Police also found the two handguns Limbaugh used to carry out the attack—two handguns that were illegal for him to possess and were not his........

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