Thursday, January 24, 2019

only scratched the surface but this came from a friend who finds reality that some would rather we not see, so here it is;

Nothing to be concerned about. Its just business as usual by the biggest drug distribution operation in the history of the planet. 45 tons of chemicals is small potatoes compared to the overall picture. The slick part about the drug interdiction program is that it is nothing more than show business to let the public know "we're here to protect you guys". They like to have the minions feel your crotch at the airport for that extra layer of security that we all crave. The real achievement of the program is to eliminate the bastards who are horning in on the establishment's drug trade.  There's way too much at stake to let a bunch of criminals suck any profits out of the International Bankster/Vatican Cabal's worldwide drug network.

Any time you run a business of these gargantuan proportions you are going to have occasional slip-ups and accidents, but, not to worry, if reported at all, it will be minimized and smothered in BS by the Main Stream Media who are also part of the Cabal's operation of disinformation and cover-ups. When you're up to your eyeballs in filth and corruption its comforting to have someone like the MSM covering your back.............

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