Tuesday, January 29, 2019

you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried the hypocrisy is so prevalent and obvious once you begin to look into the stuff below the surface, and here its africa we're playing with again;

When US National Security Advisor John Bolton unveiled the new United States plan for Africa last December, few in Congress knew the closely guarded secrets of the plan that was already in progress for almost a year. The journalists, African dignitaries, US government officials, and political groupies in attendance at the Heritage Foundation event built around the announcement were “enlightened” on Donald Trump’s plans for recolonization of Africa.
The Africa policy Bolton revealed the essence of Donald Trump’s mission to assist in the final solution for underdeveloped nations worldwide. Trump’s “American First” campaign promise was the wakeup call to Africa and other continents, a call to pay attention to renewed American aggression. The National Security Advisor, making a speech on policy the Secretary of State should probably have made, warned all in attendance at the event:
“The United States will no longer provide indiscriminate assistance across the entire continent, without focus or prioritization… From now on, the United States will not tolerate this longstanding pattern of aid without effect, assistance without accountability, and relief without reform.”
Bolton went on to proclaim China and Russia as American adversaries on the continent, condemning them for “rapidly expanding their financial and political influence across Africa.” Trump’s right-hand man on dirty dealings around the globe called China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) “predatory practice,” as a stunned audience looked on. The core of his statements are stunningly honest and clear:
“We want something more to show for Americans’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars.”
And that “something” is not in the best interests of the people of Africa, as anyone who’s studied Anglo-European meddling in African affairs can attest. Trump’s Africa plan is more or less the same as all previous US presidents, even though he and Bolton pretend this imperialism is something new. Bolton slung daggers at China for holding debt in Africa, when it is the Paris Club led by Americans that has most African nations over a debt barrel. The United States, Britain, Germany, Netherlands, and France are robbing African nations like the Sherriff of Nottingham, and there’s no Robin Hood in sight. In Bolton’s statements issued by the White House, we find:
“China uses bribes, opaque agreements, and the strategic use of debt to hold states in Africa captive to Beijing’s wishes and demands. Its investment ventures are riddled with corruption and do not meet the same environmental or ethical standards as U.S. developmental programs.”............https://journal-neo.org/2019/01/29/the-new-plan-for-africa-is-just-like-the-old-imperial-one/

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