pcr speaks here about how the empire is having its version of the cultural revolution the chinese had when mao was still in charge though here its pervasive and not as obvious;
We know that the white male has been delegitimized. Women’s studies,
black studies, Latino studies, and Identity Politics have been
demonizing, and teaching hatered of, white males since the 1980s. But
where did these hate-filled special interest groups get their power?
The answer is that effete white males handed it to them.
It was white male university administrators who created the
anti-white male propaganda degrees called women’s studies and black
studies. It is the white males in the Democratic Party who endorse
Identity Politics, an ideology that puts responsibility for all the evil
in the world on white males.
The latest white male collapse is that of the president of Notre Dame
University. Catholics, themselves formerly a marginalized people in the
United States and Great Britain, are guilty, according to Rev. John
Jenkins, Notre Dame’s president, of displaying in Notre Dame’s main
building a wall mural painted by Luis Gregori in 1880. In the Identity
Politics that now rules even Catholic universities, the 1880 painting is
viewed in the 21st century as depicting native Americans in
stereotypical submissive poses before white European explorers. https://apnews.com/b94ea91f11e649579326812f3b7c2980
I would bet that most Americans would not read the painting in this way. But in American everything is determined by the few.
Notre Dame’s president has decided that the solution to this “offense” is for the university to cover the mural.
Apparently the only intelligent person present at Notre Dame
university is a law student, Grant Strobl, who said that “if we adopt
the standard of judging previous generations by current standards, we
may reach a point where there are no longer accomplishments to
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