Sunday, January 27, 2019

here's an interesting take on canada's arrest of a chinese executive for the empire;

BIO: Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review. His works have been published in Executive Intelligence Review, Global Research, Global Times, The Duran, Nexus Magazine, Los Angeles Review of Books, Veterans Today and Matthew has also published the book “The Time has Come for Canada to Join the New Silk Road” and three volumes of the Untold History of Canada (available on He can be reached at
The newest fissures in the Anglo-Canadian Deep State appeared on Saturday January 26 as Canada’s Ambassador to China, John McCallum found that he was out of a job due to the sin of uttering perfectly rational truths during a January 23rd meeting of Chinese journalists in Toronto regarding the extradition case of Huawei’s CFO Wang Meng Wanzhou- who has been held as political prisoner in Canada since December 1, 2018. What were those truths?
First: That President Trump has stated his willingness to intervene in the case if it threatened America’s trade relations with China, and 
Second: That Canada never signed onto those Iran sanctions which involve her case.
It took little more than the blink of an eye for the terrified technocrats steered from the Deep State/Privy Council Office of Ottawa to go into damage control mode reflected in Justin Trudeau’s announcing McCallum’s firing within 3 days, with leaders of the nominal opposition gleefully rejoicing at his sacrifice. However contrary to the deep state’s intention, only more damage to the empire was inflicted by their act since McCallum’s downfall represents the largest of a growing array of structural cracks in the imperial machine which provide both a glimpse into the ugly workings of the British Empire’s operations in North America and also a precursor of the immanent downfall of the Empire itself.
A Jean Chretien-era Cabinet Minister, John McCallum is an old school “practical politician/businessman” whose tendency was to act in Canada’s national interests when war and economic devastation became the obvious outcomes of those brazen imperial agendas endemic in the mindsets of such neo-cons and technocrats as John Bolton, Elliot Abrams or Canada’s PM-handler-in-Chief Chrystia Freeland (1).
The sin of telling the truth, even in the simple manner that he did, involves not only exposing the true agenda behind the arrest of Meng Wanzhou but also showcases who is truly behind it. The “official” British narrative has demanded that Trump be perceived as the anti-Chinese villain of the story and Canada a mere victim doing the bidding of the big bad bully to the south by sacrificing our relationship with China in this arrest. The McCallum case demonstrates that the very opposite is true. Trump wants positive relations with China and the Belt and Road Initiative now lifting billions out of poverty and it is the Deep State which is deeply embedded in Canada which is working to do everything possible to prevent that potential alliance.........

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