Monday, January 14, 2019

some of you are in the group that stand behind anything that the 'officials' choose to do, though i suspect even you might question that stand after reading this example;

This video is a few years old (2015) but many haven’t seen it, including me. I thought you might want see it. Rather, I think you need to see it.
It records a fatal traffic stop initiated by a Michigan AGW affronted by another driver flashing his headlights at him – apparently, because the AGW’s high beams were on.
The driver is a 17-year-old kid.

The kid is initially polite and tries to explain to the AGW why he flashed his headlights. He explains that he though the AGWs brights were on – and flashing headlights is a common way to convey that fact to a driver who may be oblivious to his brights blinding oncoming traffic.
Rather than accept this and let it drop, the AGW escalates:............

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