Friday, January 11, 2019

nothing to see here so just move along and rest easy knowing that the council on foreign relations has your good future firmly in hand;

On November 30, 2018, President Trump, along with the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico, signed the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) “Trade Agreement”. “Trade” is in quotes, because the document isn’t about “trade” - it’s about setting up global government. “Agreement” is in quotes because the document is a “treaty” - and that invokes the two-thirds ratification requirement of Art. II, §2, cl. 2, US Constitution.
The USMCA Treaty (“Treaty”) was negotiated by U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer.  He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which works to move the United States into the North American Union (NAU). 1
The Treaty advances the economic and regulatory integration of the three Parties.  It is the precursor to the political integration the globalists seek with the NAU. 2
1. Summary of objections to the Treaty
Our Constitution and Declaration of Independence are the “organic law” of our Land. 3 Treaties, like Acts of Congress, hold a lesser status:  they are part of “the supreme Law of the Land” only when they are authorized by “organic law” - our Constitution (Art. VI, cl.2). 4 ...........

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