Movies, “news”, and commentaries present the image of
Muslims and Arabs as threats. Since Arabs were blamed for 9/11 they’re the
latest “ogre under the bed” to be waved in your face, preceded by commies,
Negros, Indians, Mexican dope addicts, all inspiring fear requiring “our
government”, needing “job security”, to come to our rescue. Americans haven’t
understood that Muslims are just one of many tools “our government” uses to
keep you afraid/angry, and justify all the other tools they use.
Remember what happens when a racial or religious group is described
this way; such “dehumanization” encourages shameful violence. We’ve seen it
before. We’re told to learn the lessons of history. We’re told to remember European
Jews so we don’t persecute those unlike us. Remember that the victor writes
history, controlling what you think.
The hate against Muslims make it easily said; they’re the
new “Jews”. You might remember what happens when that hate gets loose. Islamic
fundamentalism, from our “Christian” view, explains everything we decide to
know about Islam. Do you judge Christianity by the actions of the Westboro
Baptist church, or the Inquisition? Christians come in all degrees of belief
and fundamentalism. The Bible has some very violent content of the sort we’re
told the Muslims advocate. Christian history is quite violent to those unlike
themselves. The same can be said for modern Israeli Jews.
Ordinary Muslims, like all humans, want to live in peace,
get along with people, and want the best for their children. Their governments
are corrupt like ours. The “noise” about Islam could have terrible consequences
for the world, if the powerful get their way. World War is possible with Iran/Syria
being the incendiary point. We’re told to be afraid of Iran getting
the bomb, as if someone with two bullets would attack an army.
“Our government” says Muslims attack us because some
al-Qaeda organization uses religion in a corrupt way. But they haven’t
explained why. Muslims don’t “hate our freedom” they hate our policies. The
overwhelming majority voice their objections to America’s
one-sided support of Apartheid Israel
oppressing Palestinians, and longstanding support for tyrannies, especially Egypt, Saudi
Arabia, Jordan,
Pakistan, and the Gulf States. If we
invade others to distribute “democracy” why is it we haven’t invaded them?
Americans are taught that we’re innocent victims, Muslims
are evil aggressors, and our violence ways are more acceptable than theirs. You
want to believe and are easily influenced by skillful propagandists. “Terrorism”
was defined by America
to justify the violence it does in the world. “No matter what evil “our
government” does its ok if someone else is worse. Sure, we do some bad things.
But we’re not like them; the Ultimate Savages, Terrorists.”
You buy that and then our violence is logical, invited by
their evil. That’s how Americans absolve themselves. It’s how they ignore
reality in their support of “our government”. It’s why few things produce as
much anger as suggesting that they see themselves, before condemning others, as
if they were genuine Christians.
Hate hearing that Islam is a “Religion of Peace,” when you
read of Muslims killing women for family “honor”; Muslims rioting over some
slight offense; Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren’t
“believers”; Leviticus describes the Christian difference, right?
Do you wish to “improve” Muslim communities, bringing them
more in line with your values? There’s a word for that: persecution. A few
false flag operations, has Americans terrified of Muslims hiding under their beds
as America becomes a third world country/failed state/totalitarian nightmare distracting
you with terrorism.
Silence is acceptance.
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