Thursday, January 17, 2019

for some time i've been saying that hurricane trump is a professional wrestling star and that's the show we're watching. many times his presentations are just like he and vince were speaking before or after a 'match'. the tone. the words. if you can disconnect from the crap the tv sells and watch it without preconceived notions i believe you'll see it. it reinforces my point that the deep state, the ones that killed jfk and many others, are the ones in charge and trump, like his predecessors, are merely actors, fronts;

One of Donald Trump’s most recent tweets has finally convinced me that he is literally an actor, strutting across the world stage. While Trump has displayed an incomprehensibly inarticulate nature, and an abysmal lack of spelling ability, this latest tweet is just too over the top. Hamberders? Are we actually to believe that the President of the United States, a billionaire in the corporate world, one who attended Fordham University and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance, is not able to spell “hamburger” correctly?
Trump’s latest egregious spelling error occurred during a tweet celebrating yet another cartoonish escapade, where a “fast food buffet” was served to the NCAA football champion Clemson players. Trump, always in character, made certain to boast that he personally paid for this low-cost feast. And exaggerate the number of “hamberders” that were bought. Was it 300? Or 1000?
It was natural for Donald Trump to choose fast food. According to what we’re told, he eats almost nothing except McDonalds’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and KFC. And washes this garbage down with an alleged twelve Diet Cokes every day. This would be a suicidal diet for anyone, let alone an overweight seventy two year old.
The leader of the free world has topped George Dubya Bush, the great “decider,” in terms of grammatical gaffes. Trump has bragged about having the “best words.” Trump once tweeted out a confusing mess that included “covfefe,” which appeared to be an attempt at spelling “coverage.” During a May 2017 press release about Trump’s trip to Israel, his office mimicked his style, with misspellings that should have seemingly been caught by any educated staffer............

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