Saturday, January 12, 2019

finally someone writing publicly saying what i've been saying for years: take this vote and shove it;

Guest Post by CCRider
I offer here an idea to drive a stake into the heart of the ruling elite while requiring no effort, no rallies, no demonstrations and no violence.  It can be done sitting on our asses, in fact that’s a requirement.  We hijack the non voting majority.  There are many well reasoned articles for not voting.  One of my favorites is by Doug Casey
I stopped voting after Reagan grew the government by 30%.  If he couldn’t stem the malignant growth of the federal government I reasoned, no one could.  Like any parasite government would grow until it killed off the host.  I did vote for Ron Paul in the two republican primaries but I knew it was merely symbolic.  Not only was he not allowed to win, if he came close they would have killed him, like Jack Kennedy, another reason I gave up on the evil that is voting in a corrupt democracy.

It was sort of hard sticking to it early on, not getting sucked into the red/blue bullshit hype.  In time I grew to love my non voting status.  It gave me a perspective that wound up being refreshing and enlightening.  I became a spectator in the bleachers emotionally detached from the outcome which I could not affect in any case.  I became bullet proof to nitwits like W Bush.  I could see through the dapper, skin rash deep facade of Obama and the horny carnival barker who followed him.  I wasn’t being played.  The big picture came gradually into focus.  I could see through the ruling elite’s machinations and tricks to lead the voting wildebeests down their desired path.  I became a proud non voter.  It’s not a fashionable position I know but that can change..........

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