Sunday, January 20, 2019

as a birth right quaker i aught to remind you all that we were the first abolitionists and have stood for beatings when changing our stand would provide comfort but we're genetically forced to speak for what we believe to be true, and fred here makes many good points that the 'politically correct' crowd would go apoplectic over;

A storm, methinks, is just over the horizon: The genetics of intelligence, perhaps of behavior. Geneticists know that intelligence is largely genetic. They know better than to say so. But research advances rapidly. Laboratories close in on the responsible genes. Things like genomic-sequence correlation proceed apace. Within ten or fifteen years, I will guess, the genetics of IQ will be firmly established. If the results turn out as seems likely…then what? What does a pseudo-democracy do when clearly stratified by intellectual capacity?

The mainstream media seem to sense the danger. We see descriptions of genetics as “pseudoscience,” hear muttering about ”scientific racism” and eugenics and just like Hitler. This is the bleating of child minds. Genetics is absolutely mainstream science. Following the field requires some knowledge of biochemistry which requires some knowledge of organic chemistry which requires some knowledge of general chemistry and some knowledge of eighth-grade algebra. Since few, even among the bright,  wield these credentials, the public can still be told that genetics is racism. This won’t last......

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